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Colleen Horne

"You can change the life game by seeking out the possibility instead of getting stuck in the problem. Everything can shift with a tilt in focus from problem to possibility."

Colleen Horne
Home: Welcome

I am a... 


Possibility Creator

Leadership Consultant

Human Lover

Culture Transformation Expert

Welcome to the What's Possible School of Life (WPSOL)! It's so very good to have you here.

I’ve spent the last 20 years working in people, team and culture transformation and my mission remains the same all these years down the line: 'to turn possibility into your reality'

I'm really looking forward to hearing from you. 


I help people become better at who they are and what they do by increasing their levels of Human Spirit.

The Human Spirit is the unique, stand out 'edge' that we have over all other species. It is the energy, smarts, momentum, determination, and intelligence that has supported our survival, underpinned change, and driven our learning and creativity. It has played a vital part in pretty much every magnificent occurrence in history that we can think of.  

I am endlessly driven to support, teach and coach you towards having everything you need to experience magnificence in your life, your work, and your organisation and we use Human Spirit to do it.

The What's Possible transformation formula supports people and organisations who want to move away from repeating problems and towards a new level of performance and purpose.


Increased human spirit = Increased performance


The What's Possible version of performance is more intricate and broader than what might traditionally be understood as ‘performance’ though. I consider performance to be everything we do. Whether it’s parenting, leading, or living, we all have the opportunity to perform at our best- it’s just that most of us have never been taught how to do it.


The What’s Possible School of life has been built, created, and designed for you. I am here to teach you some fundamental lessons that will enable you to be better at being you so that you can be better at what you do.


Over the course of our 20 years of experience, I have proved over and over again that developing and increasing the Human Spirit using the 7 What's Possible Human Spirit Cogs will move you beyond your daily challenges and into the possibilities of the future.

Have a look at my services page to see how I can help you create reality from possibility.

All the love

Human Spirit
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